About Us

Saving Nature is our goal


At Lynn Valley Live Edge Wood Products, we have realized that enormous value of real wood as both furniture and decoration.  Our clients enjoy the warmth and strength of real wood products from locally sourced and milled trees.  We get our wood from Hoff Tree Services, an amazing team that respect nature to the highest level.  We teamed with them to make sure that any wood worth saving gets saved and not thrown away.  

Nothing beats a good selection


We have a steady and rotating supply of all types of wood like Douglas Fir, Maple, Spruce, Sequoia and Cedar.  As Hoff Tree Services sources new varieties we will keep everyone posted as wood becomes available and it's drying times.  Please feel free to call us to make an appointment to see if we have slabs or rounds that might work for you.  

Finished or Unfinished.... the choice is yours


At Lynn Valley Live Edge Wood Products, we cater to clients who want to get dirty and finish the slabs or rounds themselves, but we are also pleased to offer services to cut down on the processing time like levelling, planing, sanding, and even finishing if that is desired.  From Raw to finished products we will do our best to make sure you get what you want and at a fair price .  

Thank you for visiting our Website

Please contact us at your convenience.  We look forward to serving you


(604) 879-6615


By Appointment Only